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Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Ki Awarua Whānau Services

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We are an Iwi based Kaupapa Māori service working with whānau to achieve positive and healthy change 

Try-Whānau 2025

TRY WHĀNAU is a FREE triathlon and whānau festival event in Bluff with entertainment for all ages. Karawhiua! Give it a go whānau!

9th March, 2025 

Ngā pūkenga - Our services


Health Clinics

Our health clinics provide a range of services to help you know what is available to meet your health needs.


Social Services

Need support for your whānau or rangatahi?

We can help. 


Health Services

Get ideas and support for your new pēpi, tamariki or your whānaus health

Mīhana a mātou

Our Mission

Hapai ake te whānau ki nga taumata oranga.

Working with whānau to achieve a positive and healthy change.

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