At Awarua Whānau Services, our mahi in Bluff is driven by a deep passion and a clear need. The Bluff hapori often misses out on well-being initiatives run across the wider Murihiku.
“This creates a disadvantage, and we are determined to change that” – Tam Topi (Kaiarahi Tinana – AWS).
Juniors (5-9 Years)
Our latest programme for tamariki aged 5-9 kicked off with great enthusiasm. We hosted over 30 tamariki for a full day of fun, learning, and kai. Everything was free and easily accessible in Bluff.
We split the large group into four, rotating through various activities throughout the day with our kaimahi. Our goal was to provide a mix of high, medium, and low-energy activities to help regulate tamariki emotions. We like to incorporate learnings they can apply in everyday life or offer opportunities to try new activities.
Bike Repair Station

One highlight was our bike repair station. Tamariki learned to clean and repair old BMX bikes, understanding various parts and tools for basic repairs. They dismantled the bikes, checked for leaks, pumped tires, and learned about brake systems. Most importantly, they worked together as a team, with boys and girls equally engaged. The sounds of waiata filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere.
Cookie Baking Extravaganza

Another popular activity was cookie baking. Tamariki learned about hygiene and kitchen safety while expressing their creativity through baking.
Physical Activities
Active Families Invercargill joined us, hosting physical activities and games in our community hall. Tamariki could burn off energy in a safe and fun environment.
To wrap up the day, we gathered everyone to learn about Matariki through an engaging educational lesson by the “Speak Māori” team. Whaea Trish, our Cultural Activator, led us in practicing waiata, adding a beautiful finish to our day. Ka mau te wehi!

Taiohi/Rangatahi (10-14 Years)
We also provided 2 full-day programmes for our older youth from Motupōhue. With support from our Bluff rangatahi mentor Kelly, we offered fun experiences in both Waihōpai and Bluff.
Day 1: Invercargill Adventures
We took 12 rangatahi to Invercargill for a day of fun and learning. The day started with a swim and hydroslide at Splash Palace, followed by a visit to the “Bounce House” at Stadium Southland. The afternoon included experimenting with popcorn flavorings and enjoying a New Zealand-made film, creating a balance of high-energy activities and relaxation.
Day 2: Exploring Bluff
In Bluff, we hosted 16 rangatahi, starting with a hīkoi through foggy conditions, connecting with nature and learning about local traditions and wildlife. This set the theme for the day, which continued with a challenging boxing session led by skilled coaches. The rangatahi learned new skills, built resilience, and enjoyed group games that enhanced connection and awareness.
The afternoon was spent at Te Rau Aroha Marae, where rangatahi learned to make apple crumble, thanks to Gina and her team. They also participated in a Mahi Toi workshop with Matua Corey, discovering the pūrakau behind the marae's carvings and learning how whakapapa is preserved through waiata, carvings, tā moko and pūrakau.
Looking Forward
Firstly we want to send a huge shoutout to Tam, Kelly and the other kaimahi who came and supported on the day. Another huge mihi to Active Families, Matua Corey, Gina & Daylee, Whaea Trish, Graham, Lester & Aspen for giving up their time to support this kaupapa.
We are privileged to work with our incredible whānau and look forward to many more opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive together in Motupōhue.